Why subscribe?

When is the last time you really sat with yourself and listened, open to whatever your soul is whispering? When have you invited your inner ponderings a chance to speak?

If you’re not quite there yet, take heart. These musings may be especially helpful as a touchstone, as you embark on the journey back to your own beautiful heart.

Let’s walk together on this rocky road of being human. Discovering the shitty and sensational places that life takes us to, we can laugh, learn, cry, comfort and encourage each other.

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Join the community of open hearts and sensitive souls

Be part of a community that wants to make space for all the feels, to help remind each other of our connections as we move through being humans together. No matter where you are on your path, there is a welcoming here for you.

Here we are real, sometimes raw, at times wandering, but no longer lost.

Here we may be broken hearted, grief stricken, but not alone.

We also are whimsical and joy filled, letting our hearts feel grateful.

Here we are open to the ways nature hold us, to the love that calls us, and to befriending the difficult and prickly parts.

Here we are seen and valued, the welcoming is real.

Come as you are. Bring your questions, your hopes and fears, your grief and anger, your hope, your presence is welcomed and oh so appreciated. May this space offer you tender heart a safe abode.

Subscribe to Soul Beckons Wild & Wise

may these words be medicine, nurturing what matters, meeting ourselves as we are, moving through this life with open hearts!


Channeled Writer. Poet. Intuitive Empath. Oma.